The central place of the DERMALENA philosophy is occupied byN-ACETYLCYSTEINE, also known as NAC, a substance with antioxidant action, able to physiologically neutralize free radicals.


The structure of the molecule also allows it to easily cross cell membranes.


Several studies can be found in the scientific literature, which enhance the therapeutic and preventive properties of N-ACETYLCYSTEIN by systemic means. We have shown that its action is equally valid in topical use. It is surprising its anti-aging role exercised through the elimination of free radicals, thus preventing the oxidation of RNA, DNA and CELLULAR MEMBRANES with the consequent dysfunctions.


The central place of the DERMALENA philosophy is occupied
byN-ACETYLCYSTEIN, also known as NAC, a substance with antioxidant action, able to physiologically neutralize free radicals.


The structure of the molecule also allows it to easily cross cell membranes.


Several studies can be found in the scientific literature, which enhance the therapeutic and preventive properties of N-ACETYLCYSTEIN by systemic means. We have shown that its action is equally valid in topical use. It is surprising its anti-aging role exercised through the elimination of free radicals, thus preventing the oxidation of RNA, DNA and CELLULAR MEMBRANES with the consequent dysfunctions.


  • The first mechanism of action is what is used in mucolytic drugs,  the ability to split disulphide bridges.
    NAC is in fact able to fragment protein molecules, reducing their size and facilitating the exfoliation of dead cells on the surface.
  • The second mechanism, the most important one, is the antioxidant action.
    N-ACETYLCYSTINE carries Cysteine, precursor of reduced glutathione, the most important antioxidant produced by the body and therefore the most powerful free radical deactivator.
    This allows the cell to better withstand all types of stress.
The Problem

In presence of oxidative stress the physiological functions of the cell are damaged and the cell undergoes a sort of "programmed death" called Apoptosis.
This type of self-elimination differs from Necrosis because:

  • Theinitial action is the expulsion of 50% of the water with consequent wrinkling of the outer cell membrane and all the intracellular structures.
  • the cell fragments into small vesicles called Apoptotic bodies, which are eliminated by the macrophages, without the intracellular content escaping into the extracellular environment and therefore not causing inflammation.

The consequence of this process on epidermal level is that the bonds between the cells do not disintegrate, as happens physiologically to promote exfoliation giving rise to dehydrated skin with the formation of hyperkeratosic plaques.


The consistent intake of NAC increases the ability to neutralize the toxic action of free radicals, resulting in longer cell life (Antiapoptotic mechanism) and natural exfoliation.

Contrary to what the market offers, our products are able to carry out precisely the cellular supply of Cysteine that will restore the content of intracellular glutathione, eliminating all forms of skin stress.